Christine Wise
Christine represents the Uppingham Ward and is the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Transport, and the Environment.
Christine has lived in Uppingham for 44 years. She began her career in teaching in the town until her move into higher education teaching. She is also a full-time carer for her husband who had early onset dementia. She became heavily involved in work within this field both locally and nationally which has given her some insight into adult social care and she looks forward to playing a more active role here.
Being an enthusiastic walker, and cyclist in warmer weather, Christine has always been interested in the local environment and will work hard to protect this important aspect of Rutland’s character. Christine is very much focused on working within the town and the county more widely to help support local people, maintaining and improving local services, and ensuring that everyone in our town is able to have their voice heard.
To contact Christine, please email: cwise@rutland.gov.uk