Lib Dem Action

1 Jun 2024
New build houses / homes still being built.


Local Liberal Democrat councillors in Uppingham have begun a residents' survey of parts of the town. They are particularly keep to hear residents' views on parking problems and traffic. If you have a view, do let them know!


Many Rutland residents have expressed concern at the lack of visible policing in the villages. Lib Dem candidate Dr James Moore is asking for the police to improve communications with local parishes and, whenever invited, to attend local parish meetings.


The Conservatives have again broken their promise to upgrade the A1 through our area. The Liberal Democrats are working with Transport for the East Midlands to press for this urgent work to go ahead. At the moment, a small incident on the A1 can cause chaos on nearby local roads as traffic is diverted into the villages.


Stamford continues to be under considerable pressure from developers. The Conservatives' national housing targets often force local councils to accept excessive developments. Liberal Democrat

councillors are determined to make sure local people are consulted on major decisions. They will continue to fight overdevelopment of the area.


The Liberal Democrats are very proud of our local armed forces communities, including the famous 'Desert Rats' who are now based in our area.

The party is appalled that there are further plans to reduce our armed forces. The Conservatives have already cut the army by 25% to just 75,000. This is very dangerous when the threats from Russia and China increase by the day.

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