Lib Dem to Win

1 Jun 2024
Group of Liberal Democrat Councillors celebrating

Following massive gains in the recent council elections, pundits are now predicting our area will elect a Liberal Democrat MP. The Liberal Democrats have gained council seats across the new parliamentary constituency of Rutland and Stamford - and look set to win the parliamentary seat too.

 The Liberal Democrats now run Harborough and Rutland - two of the three district-level councils in the constituency. The party holds council seats from Houghton to Uppingham and from Oakham to Stamford. 

The Liberal Democrats have selected Rutlander Dr. James Moore as their parliamentary choice. "Local people are fed up with being taken for granted by the Conservatives," said Dr. Moore. "The Conservatives wasted billions on COVID contracts and then Liz Truss crashed our economy with a crazy budget." "Local people struggle to get GP appointments, no-one can find an NHS dentist and there is little police presence in rural areas. It's just not good enough." "Government cuts to councils also mean that we have to pay some of the highest council tax in the UK." 

The Liberal Democrats look well placed to take the parliamentary seat from the discredited Conservatives. Labour has officially declared Rutland and Stamford to be a 'non-battleground' seat - they know they could never win here.It is clear the Lib Dems are the main challengers. A vote for Labour or fringe parties only helps the Conservatives here.

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