Vince Cable "What we have now is a very good cake and we should keep eating it"
Here's the new film from the Liberal Democrats, a short clip from Vince Cable's appearance on Channel 4 News on 16 August 2017: .
Here's the new film from the Liberal Democrats, a short clip from Vince Cable's appearance on Channel 4 News on 16 August 2017: .
The full agenda and directory for September's Lib Dem federal conference in Bournemouth are out and you can read them in full below. Included in the agenda for Saturday is the latest round of…
The ex-deputy prime minister's 'resistance handbook', out in October, explains how the EU referendum decision can be reversed while reuniting the UK - and seems destined to fill many remoaners'…
Hardly a day goes by on my social media feeds without some form of the following conversation: Commentator/political has been: What we really need is a new moderate centre party in the UK, standing…
The chair of the European Movement East Midlands is set to take part in a live Facebook to discuss his thoughts on the UK leaving the European Union. George Smid will answer questions on how he…
Whatever motion we debate at Conference next month, we already know that the majority of us oppose Brexit. We all need to persuade the people around us of what a developing calamity it is. We also…
Here's Vince on Good Morning Britain talking about the 10th anniversary of the financial crash. Could it all happen again? What does he think about the current state of our economy?
The Echo is quite right that the current drugs problem caused largely by the extensive use of so called 'legal highs' needs to be tackled. Why not include a 'legal high' like alcohol for good…
It's fair to say: one of the greatest things about the Lib Dems is our party's approach to giving every member an equal voice in shaping who we are and what we stand for. Twice a year, the party puts…